The Center for Sophiological Studies

Here is an archive of some of my scholarly work. I'd much rather provide it for you here than allow Academia.edu or other sites control over access to it!
Nikolai Berdyaev: Philosophy, Prophecy, Eschatology (2018)
From the Russian journal Тетради по консерватизму.
George Herbert and the Phenomenology of Grace (2012/13)
From The George Herbert Journal. A version of this appears in my book The Incarnation of the Poetic Word.
Meditations on Blade Runner (2015; 2005)
The beginning of my engagement with transhumanism.
From The Midwest Quarterly.
Taking on Being: Getting beyond Postmodern Criticism (2009)
From The Midwest Quarterly. It won an award. My volley in the culture wars. Update: culture lost.
Criticism and Contemplation: Steps toward an Agapeic Criticism (2015)
From Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture. A revised version appears in my book, The Incarnation of the Poetic Word.
Love's Alchemist: Science and Resurrection in the Writing of Sir Kenelm Digby (2010)
From Prose Studies. A revised version of this appears in my book, Literature and the Encounter with God in Post-Reformation England.
Love. Sex. Beauty: Encountering Vladimir Solovyov on Eros and the Divine Sophia (2008)
From Logos: A Journal of Eastern Catholic Studies.